Ember Robe Armor

Card image cap





Ability 1:

Burns Nearby Enemies

Ability 2:

-25% artifact cooldown

Ability 3:

+15% movespeed aura

Armor / Armor /


Farm Setup (18 ) by anon

Combine this set with satchel of elements and ur basically unbeatable! The 3 CD’s plus the base -25% make for a 106% reducement, which means you can keep using any artifact without cooldown!

Cool Down

Tier 3:   (6 )

-27% reduced cooldown

Reduces the cooldown time between uses of your artifacts.

Cool Down

Tier 3:   (6 )

-27% reduced cooldown

Reduces the cooldown time between uses of your artifacts.

Cool Down

Tier 3:   (6 )

-27% reduced cooldown

Reduces the cooldown time between uses of your artifacts.