Oh, so you wanted to move? by Stompy

No movement for opponents

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Fighters Bindings

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  • Ability 1: Boosts attack speed
  • Ability 2: Turbo Punches
    • Chains

      Has a chance to chain a cluster of mobs together and keep them bound for a short time.

    • Freezing

      Slows mobs after hit for three seconds.

    • Stunning

      Chance to temporarily stun enemies

    Frostbite Armor

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  • Ability 1: Spawns a Snowy Companion
  • Ability 2: +100% souls gathered
  • Ability 3: +30% ranged damage
    • Chilling

      Emits a blast every two seconds that reduces the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies for one second.

    • Cool Down

      Reduces the cooldown time between uses of your artifacts.

    • Thorns

      Whenever you take damage, you deal damage back to the attacker.

    Mechanical Shortbow

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  • Ability 1: Accelerated Fire Rate
    • Gravity

      This effect pulls mobs in range towards the weapon's impact point.

    • Infinity

      Chance to immediately replenish an arrow after shooting.

    • Tempo Theft

      Steals a small amount of a mob's movement speed and gives it to you for four seconds.

    Fishing Rod

    Pulls the closest mob in range to your position, briefly stunning that enemy.

    Shock Powder

    Stuns nearby enemies.

    Wind Horn

    Pushes enemies away from you and slows them briefly.