all around 2 by Thandeepool_fan

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  • Ability 1: Powerful Pushback
    • Committed

      Deal increased damage against already wounded enemies.

    • Swirling

      The last attack in a combo performs a swirling attack, damaging nearby enemies.

    • Radiance

      Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it.

    Fox Armor

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  • Ability 1: 30% chance to negate hits
  • Ability 2: +20% weapon damage boost aura
  • Ability 3: Health potions heal nearby allies
    • Surprise Gift

      Whenever you use a healing potion, you sometimes create random consumables.

    • Explorer

      For every one hundred blocks explored on the map, you regain a small amount of health.

    • Cool Down

      Reduces the cooldown time between uses of your artifacts.

    Guardian Bow

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  • Ability 1: Ranged damage
  • Ability 2: Strong Charged Attacks
  • Ability 3: Super Charged Arrows
    • Accelerate

      Increase attack speed for each consecutive shot. Resets one second after the attack.

    • Growing

      The fired shot grows in the air, dealing extra damage to distant targets.

    • Rapid Fire

      Increases your attack speed.

    Boots of Swiftness

    Gives a short boost to movement speed.

    Ghost Cloak

    Briefly gain Ghost Form, allowing you to move through mobs and absorb some damage.

    Lightning Rod

    You can spend souls to call down a bolt of lightning onto an area.