Thor by GrimReaper

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  • Ability 1: Fires Lightning Bolts
  • Ability 2: Great Splash
    • Radiance

      Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it.

    • Fire Aspect

      Sets mobs on fire for three seconds, dealing damage over time.

    • Looting

      Increases the chance for mobs to drop consumables

    Wither Armor

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  • Ability 1: 35% damage reduction
  • Ability 2: +100% souls gathered
  • Ability 3: 3% life steal aura
    • Thorns

      Whenever you take damage, you deal damage back to the attacker.

    • Potion Barrier

      Whenever you use a healing potion, you take -90% damage for a short duration.

    • Protection

      Reduces damage taken

    Firebolt Thrower

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  • Ability 1: Chance of Chain Reaction
  • Ability 2: Explodes on Impact
    • Multishot

      Grants the chance to fire five arrows at once.

    • Bonus Shot

      Firing a short also fires a second shot at a nearby enemy. The second shot has reduced damage.

    • Growing

      The fired shot grows in the air, dealing extra damage to distant targets.

    Corrupted Beacon

    Fires a high-powered beam that continuously damages mobs.

    Boots of Swiftness

    Gives a short boost to movement speed.


    When used, the Harvester releases souls in an explosion. (Requires Souls)