Pumpkin King by Pumpkin King

Is a pumpkin king and likes Mexican food

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  • Ability 1: Burns mobs
  • Ability 2: Spin attack
    • Committed

      Deal increased damage against already wounded enemies.

    • Radiance

      Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it.

    • Wild Rage

      Hitting an enemy has a chance to send it into a rage, making it hostile towards everyone.

    Ember Robe Armor

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  • Ability 1: Burns Nearby Enemies
  • Ability 2: -25% artifact cooldown
  • Ability 3: +15% movespeed aura
    • Deflect

      Grants a small chance to deflect incoming attacks.

    • Fire Trail

      Rolling creates a trail of fire behind you, which deals damage to mobs for four seconds.

    • Thorns

      Whenever you take damage, you deal damage back to the attacker.

    Firebolt Thrower

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  • Ability 1: Chance of Chain Reaction
  • Ability 2: Explodes on Impact
    • Accelerate

      Increase attack speed for each consecutive shot. Resets one second after the attack.

    • Supercharge

      Charged shots deal more damage and have more pushback.

    • Power

      Boosts arrow damage.

    Corrupted Beacon

    Fires a high-powered beam that continuously damages mobs.

    Gong of Weakening

    Weakens enemies in a large area around the bearer, decreasing their ability to damage and their defense points.

    Golem Kit

    Summon Damage