Weaken n' burn by G4mr


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  • Ability 1: Burns mobs
  • Ability 2: Spin attack
    • Fire Aspect

      Sets mobs on fire for three seconds, dealing damage over time.

    • Weakening

      Your attacks decrease the attack damage of all nearby enemies for five seconds

    • Chains

      Has a chance to chain a cluster of mobs together and keep them bound for a short time.

    Fox Armor

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  • Ability 1: 30% chance to negate hits
  • Ability 2: +20% weapon damage boost aura
  • Ability 3: Health potions heal nearby allies
    • Burning

      Every 0.5 seconds damages all enemies in melee range.

    • Fire Trail

      Rolling creates a trail of fire behind you, which deals damage to mobs for four seconds.

    • Thorns

      Whenever you take damage, you deal damage back to the attacker.

    Firebolt Thrower

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  • Ability 1: Chance of Chain Reaction
  • Ability 2: Explodes on Impact
    • Multishot

      Grants the chance to fire five arrows at once.

    • Gravity

      This effect pulls mobs in range towards the weapon's impact point.

    • Growing

      The fired shot grows in the air, dealing extra damage to distant targets.

    Flaming Quiver

    Gives you Burning Arrows.

    Flaming Quiver

    Gives you Burning Arrows.

    Gong of Weakening

    Weakens enemies in a large area around the bearer, decreasing their ability to damage and their defense points.