never gana die to night: soul addiction edition by icy

"COOL SOULS PAL" "i know right" *dies

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Eternal Knife

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  • Ability 1: Chance to gain souls
  • Ability 2: Thrust attack
    +2 Soul gathering
    • Radiance

      Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it.

    • Critical Hit

      Gives you a chance to inflict critical hits dealing triple damage.

    • Soul Siphon

      When you hit an enemy, gain a 10% chance to grant you a bunch of extra souls.

    Wither Armor

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  • Ability 1: 35% damage reduction
  • Ability 2: +100% souls gathered
  • Ability 3: 3% life steal aura
    • Snowball

      Fires a snowball at a nearby enemy every few seconds, briefly stunning it.

    • Chilling

      Emits a blast every two seconds that reduces the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies for one second.

    • Soul Speed

      When you gather a soul, you gain a 1% stacking movement speed boost for a short time.

    Feral Soul Crossbow

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  • Ability 1: Souls critical boost
  • Ability 2: +2 Soul Gathering
    • Accelerate

      Increase attack speed for each consecutive shot. Resets one second after the attack.

    • Anima Conduit

      Each soul you absorb grants a small amount of health.

    • Enigma Resonator

      Give a chance to triple damage based on the number of souls you have.

    Lightning Rod

    You can spend souls to call down a bolt of lightning onto an area.

    Soul Healer

    Heals the most injured ally nearby, including yourself.

    Golem Kit

    Summon Damage