Electric Golemancer by WickedGamerS

If iron golems are what you like then use this build for a powerful strike

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  • Ability 1: Fires Lightning Bolts
  • Ability 2: Great Splash
    • Sharpness

      Makes your weapon sharper, causing it to deal more damage.

    • Weakening

      Your attacks decrease the attack damage of all nearby enemies for five seconds

    • Wild Rage

      Hitting an enemy has a chance to send it into a rage, making it hostile towards everyone.

    Stalwart Armor

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  • Ability 1: Potion Use Boosts Defense
  • Ability 2: 35% damage reduction
  • Ability 3: 30% chance to negate hits
  • Ability 4: 100% longer roll cooldown
    • Electrified

      Rolling zaps nearby enemies with lightning bolts, dealing damage.

    • Frenzied

      While you're at less than half health, your attack speed is increased.

    • Thundering

      Has 30% chance to summon a lightning strike that damages nearby enemies.

    Noctural Bow

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  • Ability 1: Steals Speed
  • Ability 2: +2 Soul Gathering
    • Supercharge

      Charged shots deal more damage and have more pushback.

    • Tempo Theft

      Steals a small amount of a mob's movement speed and gives it to you for four seconds.

    • Growing

      The fired shot grows in the air, dealing extra damage to distant targets.

    Golem Kit

    Summon Damage

    Lightning Rod

    You can spend souls to call down a bolt of lightning onto an area.

    Golem Kit

    Summon Damage