Thanos by PR0AW

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Dancers Sword

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  • Ability 1: Increased attack speed
  • Ability 2: Reliable Combo
    • Shockwave

      The last attack in a combo launches a shockwave, damaging enemies

    • Swirling

      The last attack in a combo performs a swirling attack, damaging nearby enemies.

    • Echo

      Some of your attacks can be followed up by another attack in rapid succession.

    Full Metal Armor

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  • Ability 1: 30% chance to negate hits
  • Ability 2: +30% melee damage
  • Ability 3: 35% damage reduction
  • Ability 4: 100% longer roll cooldown
    • Gravity Pulse

      A blast occurs every five seconds that pulls nearby enemies towards you

    • Burning

      Every 0.5 seconds damages all enemies in melee range.

    • Chilling

      Emits a blast every two seconds that reduces the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies for one second.

    Doom Crossbow

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  • Ability 1: Powerful Shots
  • Ability 2: Additional Knockback
    • Power

      Boosts arrow damage.

    • Supercharge

      Charged shots deal more damage and have more pushback.

    • Piercing

      Fired arrows sometimes gain the piercing effect, which allows them to fly through multiple mobs.

    Lightning Rod

    You can spend souls to call down a bolt of lightning onto an area.

    Corrupted Beacon

    Fires a high-powered beam that continuously damages mobs.

    Iron Hide Amulet

    It provides a major boost to defense for a short time.